• What is a doula?
    • A doula is a professionally trained woman who supports an expectant mother emotionally, physically and educationally during her pregnancy, labor, delivery and postpartum. A doula helps the mother to have a safe, memorable, empowering birth experience.
  • What does a Doula do?
    • During pregnancy Doulas are available 24/7 during email, phone, text to to answer questions, build a relationship, and prepare the expectant parents for the upcoming birth. She also helps to prepare mothers birth preference list.
    • During labor the Doula stays with mother and helps with coping techniques, providing support and helping with laboring postitions. She is there to advocate for mother during this time.
    • After birth the Doula is there to help get you settled and establish breastfeeding.
  • What is the difference between a doula and a midwife?
    • A doula cannot perform anything medical. She is there solely for your emotional, physical, and educational support during pregnancy and labor. A midwife is the one there to do all the medical aspects of birth, including blood pressure, heart tones, measuring belly and etc.
  • I am planning on getting an epidural, how can you support me?
    • The presence of a doula can be beneficial no matter what type of birth you are choosing. Even with a medicated birth I can help you cope until the administering of medications. I can still support your emotionally, physically, and educationally.
  • Why hire a doula?
    • Studies have shown that having a doula present can minimize the number of interventions during labor and delivery. They can help you to know your options in birth and prepare you for the upcoming birth.
  • My husband/partner is a great support, why do I need a doula?
    • As a doula I am not there to take the place of your husband, I am there to work with him, together, as a team. I can encourage your husband/partner to support you with comfort techniques, and to support you emotionally during labor and birth. If your husband needs a break the I can step in his place.