Frequently Asked Questions
I am located in Santaquin, UT. I will travel approximately 30 miles from my area. There will be an additional fee for travel outside the 30 mile radius.
Traditionally, the Bengkung belly bind is done 24/7 for the entire postpartum “confinement” period which is 30-40 days in the cultures that observe this practice. Although with modern day living this can prove to be difficult so we have found the next best option is 24 hours for 5-10 days.
Its length and custom fit. A Bengkung belly bind is a long wrap that covers from under the chest all the way down to below the hips. This way it doesn’t work on just the waist but also helps the ribcage and hips go back to their former dimensions. It also stays put when you move and it doesn’t press on the abdomen. The custom fit cannot be found anywhere else and this improves the results you will see.
Imagine the difference between buying pants that claim to fit everyone, regardless of size or shape vs getting custom fitted by a professional. What would be more comfortable? The custom fit, of course, is going to give you the best results. Likewise the Malaysian Bengkung belly bind is a custom fit every time. It changes with you as your body changes and is made of soft materials. Whereas the girdles are sold is sized options that don’t change with your changing body. These are also made with Velcro or boning which can be uncomfortable and painful when you sit or lay down, especially if you have had a Cesarean birth.
I recommend the bind being wrapped beneath all of your clothes for the best fit, most comfort and convenience. The most effective bind is done just below your bust down to your mid-hip, near your pubic bone. For modesty sakes and because of postpartum bleeding you will wear whatever underwear you prefer while I do the bind. You will be able to un-tuck your underwear from the bind the first time you use the bathroom and when your finished, simply pull them over the bind or tuck them back underneath.
During pregnancy the hormone relaxin works to loosen up all of our joints in preparation for birth. Unfortunately this can result in discomforts during pregnancy when the pubic bone begins to separate. Sitting, laying, down and normal day-to-day movements can become painful. The bind can be tied short, giving support to your growing belly as well as your hips and pelvic bones. Painful conditions cause by loosening and separation of pelvic joints can be alleviated through this partial bind.
You can still be bound fi you have a Cesarean. Instead of the the normal 2 days after birth its best to wait 4-6 weeks postpartum depending on your recovery and healing.
You can still be bound if either of these situations occur and in fact the bind will speed your physical healing and can help with your emotional health as well.
***Please contact me for special bereavement pricing.